Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Wow, it's been a year since I have posted anything on here! Thanks to all of you who do post regularly on your blogs, it's the only way I can keep up with you. Lots of changes since I last wrote. I sold Annie's and took a job with US Bank. Totally different way of life. I like my weekends off, but I'm still not sure if I really like the job. Chris is laid off from John Deere Dubuque Works and has been working at the John Deere Harvester Works in Moline for the past three months. He's commuting back and forth. Quite the drive.
Amanda and Mali have settled with David at Fort Carson, CO. We surely miss them. I will be out to visit them soon when the baby is born at the end of March. Looking forward to that. Too bad I don't have enough time or money to go onto to Utah and Idaho.
I'm putting together a family activity over Memorial Day weekend that will focus on family history. I'm pretty excited about it. It will include a loop of decorating the graves of close family members and information about them. I did something similar with Grandpa years ago. We really enjoyed it then.
I'm going to try and be better and post more often.


Dianne said...

It sounds like Memorial Day will be a great day. Sorry we won't be able to make it. Good luck pulling it all together. Oh, and it's good to hear an update;)

The Hanselmann Family said...

Wow, I can't believe that you posted. It will take awhile for people to check it because you haven't posted in so long. Now we will have to teach you a little more on how to use it!! Fun Fun!!